Password Corral on Linux

Password Corral ( is one of the most simple, secure and easy to use password safes I have used.  When creating your password file which houses all of your passwords, you can choose between Blowfish or Diamond2 for an encryption method.  Both of which are pretty powerful.  You can read more about them here:

Password Corral is an EXE.  This means that it was meant to be run on Windows-based OSes.  However, it is quite easy to also run this on a Linux machine with the help of Wine.

On my Fedora box, I simply do:

sudo dnf install wine
cd ~/Downloads

Afterwards, just run:

wine ~/Downloads/password4.exe

Password Corral will store your data within ‘~/Documents/Password Corral Data’ which is easy to backup and restore if needed.

A simple Password-generating Bash Script

Most password safes have a generator for the password field when you are making a new entry.  Password Corral is a good example of this.  However, if you’re like me and like doing most things in a terminal, I wrote a fairly simple bash script which you can place into a $PATH of your choice and execute from anywhere.  Here’s the interesting bits:

#! /bin/bash

# This simple script will generate a password with the following:
# Uppercase Letter, Lowercase Letter, Number, Special Character
# Length of password is determined by a provided variable.
# The default password length is 8 characters.


echo ; echo “Generate random passwords.” ; echo
echo “How many? Default = 4” ; read rpassA
echo “How long? Default = 8” ; read rpassL

if [[ -z $rpassA ]]

if [[ -z $rpassL ]]

echo ; cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc “$rpassS$rpassLN” | fold -w ${rpassL} | head -n ${rpassA}

The best places to put this would be into ~/.local/bin or ~/bin (again, depending on your $PATH).  You can also remove or add to the symbols in ‘rpassS’ depending on your needs.  Just make sure that the dash (-) is not listed as the first symbol……